Maternal Thoughts

A few weeks ago while I was working on my Life Book, the topic dealt with children. As I was working, I was thinking how nice it would have been if I had kept some sort of record while I was pregnant with my own children while I was waiting for them to be born. At the time, fifty-three years ago, I can remember thinking that I would remember always what I was going through and the plans I had been making. But now, all of these years later, it is difficult for me to put myself back into my own personal history. While I remember some of the feelings and events I went through, I cannot remember all of the details.  If only I had a page to record notes and little things, I may have been able to jog my memory back to those early days.

With that thought in mind, I created these pages to help other mothers to be to record some facts and plans so that when you are actually ready to write about your experiences, you will be able to recall most of the happiness you felt at the time.  There are two pages to this set. One is a journal page to write down the details in full and perhaps add a few photos, and the other page is simply to jot down events as they occur so that later you can do a detailed journal entry in your own personal scrap book.

The pages were created in a 12 x12-inch format to fit into your scrapbooks, but you can make them smaller if you wish to put into a notebook and fill them out again when you are ready to write in more detail.


WEB-Maternity-Quick-PageIsn't It Lonely TogetherWEB-Maternity-Notes-page


How To Make A Chapter Page For Your Family Heritage Books

Making the chapter page for your genealogy and other heritage books. The first thing I do is find a neutral background page to complement the cover of my book. If you cannot find a complementary background page then you can use the background cover that you chose for your book. I chose a page that complemented my book but  had a few other colors in it to make it slightly different. This allowed me to add the other elements different from what I use on the cover. 1 Background page for CoverFind a frame that complements the cover of your book. Make the frame large enough so that you will be able to insert your text later when you are finished making your page. Insert the frame a little above the center of the page. Adding the FrameFind the font that you like and put it into the middle of your frame. Save this page as a .png so that you can insert different titles for each chapter. Notice that for the Chapter Insert Pages I changed the color of the font to compliment the page. Here is how I finished decorating the chapter page. I found some ribbon that was lacey so I added it to the bottom of the frame. Then I added the same ribbon underneath the top ribbon. 2 Adding the Ribbon   The next thing I did was to add a ribbon that complemented the background page. I reduced the ribbon to fit in the middle of the bottom to ribbons to show the lace. Adding the Ribbon Between the bottom ribbonsI added a bow to the right-hand corner of the ribbons. I then reverse the bow and added it to the left side of the ribbons. Adding the bowsThe last step was to find a floral collage to fit on top of the ribbons. Adding the Floral CollegeAlways remember to save your pages as you go along and always save them in a .png format so that you can use the page over and over again as long as you need to. This cover page is the one I use in my family history books. Remember you can always change it later if you do not like it or if your needs change for the book you’re using. Here is the finished page, and as you can see, I can now reuse it by changing the titles as I need them. Childhood Chapter © Deidre-Anne Penrod, MJK Enterprises, Austin, Texas 2014 Note: The instructions for making the cover for you family history book is at my sister blog, “Cooking With Ah-Dee”, in case you missed it when i posted it last February. Here is the URL:



Designs by Dee is Back!

I have decided to open my blog again after being away for a while. My decision is to go back to my original format and post digital layouts and helps. My blog will be shared by my new group – Scrappers Friendship Circle on Yahoo. If anyone would like to join that group, let me know and I will be happy to send you an invitation.
